Amplio Training Courses
Amplio Training

Amplio Training Course Portfolio

Palliative Care and End of Life Care

This course will be delivered by Distance Learning or Group Training
Amplio Training Palliative Care and End of Life Care course.Supporting someone approaching the end of their life can be the most challenging work any health and social care worker faces, but it can also be the most rewarding.

This course encourages participants to talk about Palliative Care and End of Life Care. It aims to improve Palliative Care and End of Life Care through better integration of services and being person centred focused in delivering care. The course explores the physical and psychological required in this sensitive role.

The course can be adapted to your organisation's policy, procedures and record keeping.


  • Definition of Palliative Care and End of Life Care
  • Integrated working
  • Assessment and care planning
  • Advanced care planning
  • Symptoms management and wellbeing
  • Physical care needs
  • Psychological care needs
  • Last office
  • Bereavement


6 hours


16 students can be accommodated on this course.

Assessment & Certification

The tutor ensures a thorough understanding has been achieved through discussion, activities and practical scenarios.
A certificate of attendance will be received upon completion of the course.

No dates have currently been scheduled for this course.
Please contact us with a view to tailoring a course to your needs either at our training centre or an in house course at your premises subject to us assessing the suitability of your premises.
Individual Learning

These courses can be set at your own pace with tutor support. The learner is required to undertake self-learning compromising of a series of modules and assessment within a time framework e.g. 3 weeks.
The trainer will have contact with the learners on a regular basis (email/phone/webchat) to allow monitoring of their learning and to offer guidance and ultimately when they are ready for the assessment.
The assessment is by professional discussion and where relevant practical demonstration; this will be recorded with video evidence
Learners will receive detailed information about the qualification and course including what is required of them plus PowerPoint slides, videos, websites and manuals/ebooks. Contact us.

Distance Learning
Set Timetable

These courses are scheduled as set in scheduled courses or arranged to meet the needs and timing for the organisation. Contact us.
The schedule will be set within the time required for the specific course e.g. 0900 - 1500 and delivered through webinar however learners must be prepared to arrange with the Trainer individual assessment time that can take up to an hour.
The assessment is by professional discussion and, where relevant, practical demonstration; this will be recorded with video evidence.
Prior to the course learners will receive detailed information about the qualification and course including what is required of them plus PowerPoint slides, videos, websites and manuals/ebooks.

FAA has an FAA Reasonable Adjustment Policy but due to the level of unsupervised learning, a learner will need the literacy skills to be able to read and self-learn the manual, PowerPoint presentation and any other resources.

Group Training - face to face

In our Group Training COVID-19 safety guidance is strictly adhered to at all times whether training is at our own venue or delivered at your premises.
Learners are required to follow any safety precautions in place

Any courses not scheduled can be arranged on request by contacting us.
Our programs are professional and adaptable to meet the needs of the individual and training groups as a whole and maximise learner potential.
We endeavour to ensure our training sessions are innovative and interactive, using a variety of training tools and realistic scenarios to encourage discussion and learning.

Blended Learning

To minimise the time spent in classroom courses can be delivered through blended learning; Group Training and Distance Learning.
We can provide the venue or come to you in line with COVID-19 Safety Guidance.

Further Information

Training can be booked on evening or weekends if required. We can spread the course over a number of sessions to suit your needs.

For more information or for group discounts, multi-course bundles and non-scheduled dates and times simply complete the quick enquiry form or telephone on
m: 07950353133 t: 01395 542220